bk to skl =...( (go back »)

August 26 2007, 3:32 PM

Can't actually believe i'll b bk at skl soon..the summer holidays seemed lyk they wud go on forever, but b4 u knw it its over. shame.. i was quite enjoying the time i had with my mates.  =S ..and bcoz i thought i had loads of time, i'm now rushing to fit everthing in that i wanted to do in this last week and a half that i hav left.

i go bk to skl on the 5th. wel.. i only have to go bk for 3 days, so thts nt too bad, and then its the weekend again, yay =]]

and then a few weeks later its half term isent it?? hope so..

o wel.. we've all got 2 go bk sumtime =/

In skl


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  • 15 years old


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